Deep work explained from deep work by cal Newport
In this book “Deep Work,” Cal Newport introduces and explores the concept of deep work readers and explorers the concept of deep work , guiding readers on a transformation journey to boost productivity , accomplish more meaning tasks, and cultivate a more fulfilling life.
Newport Defines deep work as “ the ability to focus without distraction on cognitively demanding tasks”
Some key aspects of deep work include:
à Eliminating / Minimizing distractions
à Concentrated focus on a Single task
à Prioritizing quality over quantity
à Establishing Rituals to help you focus
à Scheduling time for both deep work and Shallow work
Here’s how you can implementing deep work in your daily life:
à Determine your goals
Ex. What exactly do you want to accomplish?
à Decide what type of work / tasks require deep work
Ex. Learning , creating , Building
à Set specific time blocks for your deep work
Ex. 5am – 6am on Mondays Wednesdays , Fridays
à Eliminate all distractions during those time blocks
Ex. No social media , internet etc.
à Create a ritual surrounding your deep work
Ex. Make a coffee , light a candle
à make a sure to balance your deep work
Ex. Schedule time for play and relaxation
Remember , deep work is a skill that improves with practice
Start with smaller increments of deep work and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your ability to concentrate increases.
Be patient , persistent and consistent in your efforts to reap the benefits of deep work!