Cheat codes I know at 42 I wish I knew at 22:
- Use workouts to gain muscle, diet to burn fat, and cardio to improve your overall health & longevity.
- Eat a high-protein diet comprised of whole foods for the best body composition.
- When lifting weights, use your mind-to-muscle connection to increase muscle contraction.
- Upon waking, drink water before coffee.
- Delay coffee for 1-2 hours upon waking. This lets cortisol clear out adenosine, which can lead to sustained energy into the afternoon.
- Use your nose for smelling & breathing. Use your mouth for talking, tasting & eating.
- Mouth breathing disrupts sleep, ruins oral health & can cause sleep apnea. Mouth taping at night helped me solve this.
- Mouthwash is the biggest dental scam, kills your oral microbiota. Avoid.
- Avoid fluoride in your toothpaste, use ones that have hydroxyapatite.
- Sleep at the same time every day. Align your body with the rising &Setting of the sun.
- The 321 methods for better sleep.No eating 3 hours bed. No liquid 2 hours before. No screens 1 hour before.
- If you look at screens at night, wear blue light blockers.
- You sleep for 1/3 of your entire life. Learn how to optimize it and make it as awesome as possible.
- Memory is fallible. When you have a good idea, write it down immediately.
- Your best ideas come in the shower, walking, or in the gym. Keep a notepad ready.
- Peel a boiled egg by rolling it around your plate for a while until all the shells are cracked. This makes it easy to remove the complete shell in one shot.
- Close the toilet bowl when flushing to avoid particles of fifth sprouting up into your bathroom atmosphere.
- The more you criticize others the more you criticize yourself. If you want to judge yourself less. Judge others less.
- Stay away from people who always complain. They are energy vampires.
- Stay away from people who gossip. They are most likely gossiping about you.
- Learn a martial art to increase discipline, confidence & release stress.
- Seek rejection daily. this numbs you to the feeling. also, you only get what you ask for.
- Take complete ownership of every result in your life. The only constant in every result is you.
- When someone is walking your path, look at their shoulder closest to you.9 times out of 10 they will move out of the way.
- Be in rooms where you’re the dumbest person. Work out at gyms where you’re the least fit person.
- When you feel an emotion, don’t numb’ll only make it feel worse later. Feel it fully then let it go. Emotion is energy. We must let it pass.
- You can tell about someone’s character by how they really treat service staff.
- Money & alcohol amplify who a person is at their core.
- When someone shows you their true colors, believe them.
- A few months a year go monk mode. Eliminate all distractions & vices and use that energy to build your health & business.
- Who you choose as a partner will determine your level of peace, wealth & happiness.
- Your perception is reality. If you want a better reality change your perception.
- You’ll never be as young as you are what you feel you’re meant to do.
- Your best decisions come from stillness. stillness is amplified in nature & meditation.
- You can only get stronger when you face problems in life. Embrace the f*cking struggle.
- Show up, do the work & seek ways to grow. Do this every day& watch what happens.
- Trust people who say “I don’t know” more than the people who have all the answers.
- Seek feedback from those in the arena. not from the ones who are booking cheap seats.
- No one cares. Work harder.
- Instead of giving your kids what you wish you had, teach them things you wish you knew.
- Keep a small circle. It’s better to go narrow & deep than wide & shallow.
- True wealth is about being physically & financially healthy while living in a household full of love.