15 Life Lessons I;m Glad I Learned at 21 and not 41:


15 Life Lessons I;m Glad I  Learned at 21 and not 41:

15 Life Lessons I;m Glad I  Learned at 21 and not 41:

  •  You need to start

This is your Life.It’s too short to keep putting off doing what you want to do.Live your life – not anyone else.

  • Your environment Is  crucial

Regardless of how disciplined or motivated you are. If you’re in the wrong environment  you’ll never get anything done.

  • Be ready to pivot

Things change, plans fall through and life happens. Be Ready and willing to pivot when chasing your goals according to what feedback you’re getting.

  • Books are mental masturbation

I love reading , love learning.

But too much reading and not enough doing is just like binge – watching youtube. Read , apply, repeat.

  • You need to be selfish

You can’t pour from an empty cup. So be selfish , fill your cup first and then you can be selfless and pour into others.

  • The gym is preparation

In the gym , your mind is telling you to quit the whole time. By not qutting , you’re building your mental fortitude and resilience in preparation for lie.

  • You can’t stop learning

The moment you stop learning, you stop progressing. Acquire new knowledge , learn new skills, apply , progress, repeat.

  • Not everyone wants you to win

Learn to recognize those that truly want the best for you and those who don’t cut the latter out.

  • Risk is a part of life

Whether you’re taking a new job, starting your own business or moving country anything that has the potential to improve your life involves risk. Embrace it.

  • Challenge your beliefs

Why do you believe something? Because your parents told you? Because the news told you? Challenge what you believe , be willing to listen to opposing opinions and always be ready to learn.

  • Money can buy happiness

Money can buy time freedom , location freedom and most importantly the opportunity to do what actually makes you happy.

  • You need discomfort

Whether it’s physical discomfort in the gym or mental discomfort when chasing your goals . embracing discomfort is the key to long –term fulfillment.

  • Nobody knows what they’re doing

No , really

Nobody has it all figured out, everyone is just blindly taking a step in what is hopefully the right direction.

  • Failure isn’t final

Failure is nothing but a sign telling you which direction not to go. Stop treating it like a never – ending red light.

  • Consistency always wins

Talented  but not consistent? You’ll fail . hard – working but not consistent? You’ll fail.

So long as you have consistency –you’ll win (eventually)

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