7 bad habits that Will Destroy your brain:
- Not Exercising.
Exercise improves memory by increasing brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This helps you form new synapses and improves
learning & memory. Not exercising on a regular basis is a recipe for brain atrophy.
- Not getting
enough sleep.
Without quality sleep, you can’t form or maintain pathways in
your brain that let you learn & create new memories. It’ll also be harder to
concentrate & respond quickly. Deprive of sleep long enough &
its clouds lead to neurological disease.
- Eating inflammatory foods.
What you eat has a direct effect on your mind & mood a
diet high in foods that are fried and or processed can lead to chronic
inflammation. They can lead to memory loss, lack of mood control &
depression as well as neurological disease.
- Having a big belly.
Higher amounts of belly fat increase inflammation, which
leads to shrinkage of the brain. High body fat has been associated with a
decline in grey matter, which enables us to control movement, memory, and
- Not learning
new things.
The brain is like a muscle. it grows & shrinks to the
amount it’s used. Learning new skills stimulates neurons & forms new
pathways that allow electrical impulses to travel faster. If you don’t learn
things skills you let the brain atrophy.
- Watching po*n
Chronic po*n is correlated with changes in the brain. Watching
po*n hijacks the brain’s reward system & overwhelms it with cheap hits of
dopamine. the result is the brain physically deteriorating in shape, size and chemical
- Spending
too much time indoors
Spending too much indoors deprives you of getting sunlight exposure. Without
enough sunlight exposure, your circadian rhythms get affected & serotonin
levels can dip, which can lead to seasonal affective disorder and depression.
- How to
build a healthy brain:
Exercise regularly
Get quality sleep
Eat nutrient-dense foods
Keep a healthy BMI
Keep learning new things
Quit po*n
Get outside in nature.
Use these
habits to keep your brain healthy and young.